An Ideal Job (plus a song)

 The song i've been listening on repeat this month It's a Tomorrow By Together song called Forty One Winks from their new album SANCTUARY.

Tomorrow By Together It's a K-pop group with five members that I knew about three years ago. At the star I didn't like it that much but I started listening to their music and their videos on youtube and I simpaticed a lot with them so now I'm a big fan. One time they came to Chile to a music festival called Music Bank and I went there to see them but when they were about to perform started to rain torrentially, with hail and everithing :0 and they couldn't perform. I was so saaad. Whatever, I like that song of the album because I like chill music the lyrics It's cute. I also like the coreografy for this song. In general is a good album but I rather to not have more, they work a lot and albums make it worst couse of promotion and presentations. This is the song if you wanna listen! 


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